The fabulously inspiring entrepreneur and always entertaining Jen Friel is a genius.

Jen Friel

She is best known as the founder of the website Talk Nerdy To Me®, and is a sought-after keynote speaker at conferences and universities.

In the past year, she was diagnosed with autism and a condition called synesthesia. Synesthesia is a lesser-known neurological disorder, where in simple terms, the input sense is not the output sense. With her senses merged, she quite literally marches to the beat of her own drummer.

Due to medical sexism, it is still quite rare for women to be diagnosed with either autism or synesthesia. Jen is on a mission to change that, as a lack of diagnosis can lead to depression, anxiety, addictions, or even suicide.

Jen sees fragments of people’s auras (not the color, just the outline) and hears their (and her own) vibrational tones. She has enhanced situational awareness and now has been able to use that ability to identify people she should not associate with. (A few months back, she identified her first con man. Woohoo!)

These diagnoses have been life-changing, as she is now aware of the superpowers and limitations that come with them. Jen proudly personifies the statistic of 22% of undiagnosed autistic women who are hospitalized because of their mental health by age 25.

She wishes she was diagnosed sooner (as trauma is like Pokémon Go for autistic people), but that’s not her reality and she is making the most of what she has.